Write an essay in which you discuss Pecola's dream of happiness and Langston Hughes' poem "Dream Deferred." Is Pecola's wanting the bluest eyes a "dream deferred"? Discuss Pecola's dream in terms of its worth, compared to the dreams of young Pauline, the dreams of Louis Junior's mother, Geraldine, and the dreams of Soaphead Church. her dark skin and prays for blue eyes, sure that love will follow. Why Everyone Should Read The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison explains her reaction to the word beautiful and why it has hurt. Oprah’s Book Club Page for The Bluest Eye. The Bluest Eye at The Luminarium Links to literary criticism, study questions, and commentary on The Bluest Eye. Does Morrison present any positive role models for Pecola and other girls like her? How might Morrison define what beauty is? Does she present any examples of such beauty in the novel?ġ1. The Bluest Eye Study Guide Class homework questions. Discuss the mother-daughter relationships in the novel.ġ0. Is she treated worse by one of these characters than the other? If so, which one, and why? Is it significant that each relationship involves animals?ĩ. Write an essay in which you compare Louis Junior's and Soaphead Church's treatments of Pecola. View Notes - The Bluest Eye Autumn Questions.docx from ENGLISH III at Science Park High School. How does Morrison present gender relations in the novel? Are men and women's relationships generally portrayed positively or negatively? Support your answer with examples from the text.Ĩ. What is his definition of what a family should be? Does knowing about his upbringing affect your reactions when he rapes Pecola? Why or why not?ħ. Try to answer all five questions in the first paragraph of your article. Discuss Cholly's dysfunctional childhood. Remember the Five Ws 1 H of newspaper writing: Who, What, When, Where Why, and How. What is the style of the opening section of the novel: Here is the house. What does she represent to Pecola? What might she represent to Maureen Peal?Ħ. Part One of Study Questions for Morrisons The Bluest Eye (Autumn & Winter) 1. Discuss the symbolism associated with Shirley Temple in the novel. Which of these two characters is better able to reject white, middle-class America's definitions of beauty? Support your answer with examples from the text.ĥ. To answer this broad question, you could do further research on the topic and. Discuss the significance of no marigolds blooming in the fall of 1941.Ĥ. In her afterword in 1993, Morrison claims that The Bluest Eye is the. What is the relationship between these three differing narrative voices?ģ. The questions were created to test students' comprehension, critical, and analytical abilities. Write an essay in which you discuss Morrison's juxtaposing the primer's Mother-Father-Dick-Jane sections with Claudia's and the omniscient narrator's sections. This three page quiz covers all the important concepts from the 'Autumn' section of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. Why might Morrison have chosen to present the events in a non-chronological way?Ģ. Discuss the narrative structure of the novel.